There are a few things I have come to realise that your audience and your potential customers need to know about you and your business, and I’m betting that they currently don’t.
If you are an empathic and intuitive aspiring or conscious entrepreneur this information is going to be key to connecting and growing your audience and building your business.
And if you implement these three things now, you will build your business, without question!
Firstly, I’d like you to think very carefully about how you currently share your products, programs or services with your audience or potential clients now. Are you confident that they clearly know what you offer? And how they can work with you, and progress working with you?
Maybe they know what your programs or products are called, or what you sell – but do they know the Benefits of what you offer?
Tip 1 – Share the benefits of working with you first
Everyone can have fancy named programs over a certain period of time or epic content, but honestly, people need to know what that’s going to give them, do for them or how it will enhance their life or business in order to buy into it.
So always lead with the benefits first. They can have all the other information once they know they need the benefit.
Now, why are those benefits important to you? This is probably something that not a lot of people mention. But in order for you to truly understand these benefits your audience and or potential customers need to understand why you’re the one to get them through – why not go somewhere else, to someone else?
Consider these things and adjust the way in which you share your benefits, it ill start to make an impact for you and your audience.
Tip 2 – Connect the importance of the benefit with your specific why
Now, if you truly want to connect to your audience, and build a relationship with them, have them understand you and form a connection to you, so that they trust, like and know you. Please tell them your why.
Why is it so important for you to deliver this said benefit, what does it mean to you?
Now this is where it can feel too vulnerable to share, but there are ways of showing layers of experience in your own time, but allow your passion for delivering this said benefit to shine through – it makes all the difference to your audience, truly.
This is possibly the hardest part for intuitive empaths in business to give time too, but it is so worth it for yourselves and others.
Tip 3 – Share your value, be the expert that your audience need
It can be hard to acknowledge and appreciate your own worthiness and the results you have created through your epic business. And often times we do not spend enough time savouring our accomplishments.
But our audience and and our potential customers need to know we acknowledge this and honour it as part of the process. Because we are becoming leaders in our fields, experts within our businesses and providing the products and services we do, have and are.
This is more than confidence, this is in fact appreciating your own value and sharing it with the world, knowing the benefits you give and connecting that to how you have journeyed from your why.
You see everything is connected for us, as the business owner, we just have to make that connection for our potential clients and customers and share from a place of undeniable truth in our abilities. Do not waver or shake, stand firm and know the magic you bring through fulfilling your purpose.
Give your potential client and audience the same unwavering faith and confidence in you, and they will be called to work with you.
This is authentic marketing, this is Conscious Business Building and this is a taste of what you get when you work with me.
Applications are open to join the Conscious Creation Business Accelerator Program. I am inviting in my soul clients and qualifying my next group.
If you’d like to discuss how together we could Accelerate you and your Business authentically then schedule your discovery call now – I’m looking forward to talking to you.
Alison xo
Alison Callan is The Clarity and Success Coach for Aspiring Entrepreneurs, as well as an Internationally Accredited Coach and Mindfulness Consultant, Facilitator and Speaker.
Committed to helping You mindfully align with your mission to create Conscious Business with Purpose, Confidence and Ease. So that you live a life you love and deserve with Clarity through Conscious Creation.
Check out more on Alison Callan on her Website, Facebook and LinkedIn pages.